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A Simple Guide to Café Etiquette

Café Etiquette for a First-Time Visitor

One point or another, we've all been the new person visiting a café for the first time. Regular customers have a good idea of their perfect order, their favorite place to sit, and the baristas may remember them. Unfortunately, newcomers don't have this same experience. For some, visiting a café can be an overwhelming task, which feels discouraging. To help new visitors, Dilettante has put together a few ways to feel at home at a café.


Man holding a coffee in his hands

When there isn't a line, visitors are encouraged to ask about the drinks on the café menu. Generally, coffee drinks make up a large portion of the menu. For example, Dilettante's Mocha Cafés include mochas, lattes, frappes, and espresso drinks. Those who prefer non-caffeinated drinks can also enjoy hot chocolate, tea, and Italian sodas.

If a newcomer has an idea of what they may want, the baristas will have an easier time helping them make a good choice. Baristas familiarize themselves with their café menu over months and sometimes even years. This knowledge makes baristas the perfect people to ask if a drink is popular and what it tastes like.

Chatting with a barista becomes harder during busy hours. When a café line starts getting long, everyone needs to have the chance to order in a timely manner. Thankfully, the Dilettante Mocha Café menus are available online. While waiting, scroll through the different menu items to have any questions ready after reaching the counter. Customers can place orders online to skip waiting in line in the first place.


Gentleman waiting at a table with coffee drinks

There may be some time between ordering and when a drink arrives. Baristas are trained to create drinks in a specific way to provide customers with the best taste possible. Being patient is important to be courteous to the staff and maintaining a good café environment.

While waiting for names to be called, it is important customers do not crowd the counter. After placing an order, a person can sit down or wait for their drink 5-10 feet away from the counter. Giving space allows everyone to receive their drinks as they are prepared.

Once again, customers can order online to have their food and drink ready as they arrive. This saves the time of the baristas and other customers. Ordering fifteen minutes in advance is ideal for a drink to be prepared to pick up as a customer arrives.

When Seated

Woman sitting with her coffee in front of a computer

People come to cafés for different reasons. Some come in to meet friends, while others come to work and concentrate. If someone is working on a laptop, a group of people should sit on the other side of the café.

Be self-aware when visiting a café with a group of four or more people. Noisy groups of people can put off other café visitors, so being respectful becomes essential. Speak quietly and be considerate to the other people around the café.

Cafés can be cozy and comfortable places, and some choose to stay for hours. This is not unusual, and guests should feel comfortable staying in a café for as long as they need. It is polite to order another food or drink each hour to thank the café for accommodating space. This supports the café team and helps keep the café space open.

Things to Remember

Coffee Cup resting on a plate beside a notebook

The guiding principle to café etiquette is creating a good environment. While there are many more ways to practice good café etiquette, respecting others is always a guiding principle. Being polite leads to a better café experience in the long term, making a better experience for everyone.

Dilettante's Mocha Cafés are the perfect place to stop by for a warm drink for those living in the Seattle area. The fall season is a perfect time to stay inside and enjoy baked goods and chocolates perfectly paired with coffee. View the Mocha Cafés by location and enjoy everything Dilettante has to offer.

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Raised in the Pacific Northwest, Ryan has a fondness for the outdoors, music, and coffee. Some of his favorites are Dilettante's Chocolate-Covered Bing Cherries and L'Orange Truffles. Through his writing and content, he hopes to grow the Dilettante community.
